AECB- License Renewal
For policy questions contact: The Electrical Contractors Board at 334-269-9990
Application Description & URL
Online renewal application for the Electrical Contractors Board. License types include journeyman, electrical contractor and provisional electrical contractor.
Payment/Refund Issues
Refund policy: All refunds must be approved by the Electrical Contractors Board.
Result/Document Issues
Once a transaction has been successfully completed, a license will be mailed to the licensee by the Board.
Login Issues
If the user is having issues logging in, ensure that if the license number contains 'DAPE' in front of the 4 digit license number, the customer is entering the license number as "DAPE1234", this is case sensitive, with no spaces between the letters and numbers. If the problem persist, create a Further Action Required ticket, providing licensee's name, phone number, and license number.
App Screenshot: