DCNR - 2020 License Year Changes

DCNR - 2020 License Year Changes

Rounding Up for Research:

The customer will have the opportunity to round up their total privilege fee to the nearest dollar and have the difference applied to 1 of 3 donation “buckets”

Q. Do I have to round up?

A. No, you can select the “no thanks” option and choose not to round up.

Q. Can I select Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing?

A. No, you can not select more than one Round up for Research option but you can always make an additional donation to the other research bucket.


Hard Card License Option:

Customers, if selecting an eligible privilege, will have the opportunity to purchase a hard card license for $5/each that will list their privileges. These are credit card style licenses.

There are 8 design options. Customers can purchase as many designs as they would like, but not more than 1 quantity of each design. Card images will update annually, but the design categories will remain the same.

Deer Hunting
Turkey Hunting
Freshwater Fishing
Saltwater Fishing
Wildlife Heritage
Shooting Range
Baiting Privilege
Sandhill Crane


As of 8/23 - the following privileges are “hard card eligible”

100-1100 Res Hunting - All Game 100-1200 Res Hunting - Small Game 100-1500 Physically Disabled Resident Hunting Annual License 100-2000 Disabled Military Veteran's Appreciation Hunting License (50% or more disabled) 100-2500 Disabled Military Veteran's Appreciation Hunting License (100% or more disabled) 100-3000 Res Wildlife Management Area License 100-3500 Res Bait Privilege License (WT Deer/Feral Swine) 100-6100 Wildlife Heritage 100-7000 State Duck Stamp 150-1000 NR All Game Hunt Annual 150-2000 NR Small Game Hunt Annual 150-3000 NR Wildlife Management Area License 150-3500 NR Bait Privilege License (WT Deer/Feral Swine) 200-1000 Res Freshwater Fishing 200-1100 Disabled Military Veteran's Appreciation Freshwater Fishing (20% or more disabled) 200-1600 Physically Disabled Resident Freshwater Annual License 200-1905 Res Fayette County PFL Annual Fishing Permit 200-2000 NR Freshwater Annual 200-4000 NR Freshwater Annual-LA 200-5000 NR Freshwater Annual-MS 200-6200 NR Public Fishing Lakes License (For WFF County Lakes Only) 200-6405 NR Fayette County PFL Annual Fishing Permit 250-1100 Res Spear Fishing 250-2100 NR Spear Fishing 300-1010 Res Saltwater Fishing 300-1100 Res Fishing Saltwater Pier 300-1600 Physically Disabled Resident Saltwater Annual License 300-2010 NR Saltwater Annual 300-2100 NR Fishing Saltwater Pier 300-3010 NR Saltwater Annual-FL 300-4010 NR Saltwater Annual-LA 300-9000 Saltwater Angler Registry 700-1000 Res 64 Freshwater Fishing 700-1110 Res 64 Saltwater Fishing 700-1210 Res 64 All Game Hunting 700-1220 Res 64 Small Game Hunting 700-1510 Res 64 Wildlife Heritage 750-1000 Optional Res 65 Plus Freshwater Fishing 750-1100 Optional Res 65 Plus Saltwater Fishing 750-1210 Optional Res 65 Plus All Game Hunting 750-1220 Optional Res 65 Plus Small Game Hunting 750-1300 Optional Res 65 Plus Wildlife Heritage


If the customer is not purchasing one of the above privileges, they WILL NOT see the hard card purchase page. If they are purchasing 1 eligible privilege along with privileges that are not eligible, only the eligible privilege will be shown as printing.


Q. When will I receive my hard card?

A. 7-10 Business Days from the date of purchase

Q. Why aren't all of the privileges I am purchasing listed at to the top of the page to be printed?

A. Only some privileges are available to be printed on the hard card licenses. You will still receive a paper copy license and can access all privileges in your OA app.

Q. I ordered 3 hard cards but only 1 came in the mail, what do I do?

A. Hard cards are mailed separately. Please call us back if you have not received your card 14 days from the date of purchase.

Q. My mailing address is incorrect, what do I do?

A. If they have not set up mail forwarding, the card will be sent back to us. If they have contacted us within 30 days from the date of purchase, we can resend their cards to the correct mailing address. If it has been more than 30 days, they will need to go back through the process and order a duplicate.

Q. I did not purchase a hard card when I bought my license but now want one. How?

A. They will want to go to the license purchase page and proceed as if they are purchasing a license. They will want to select “Each Replacement/Additional Hard Card” Privilege at the bottom of the page as their privilege. Make sure they enter their CID number to pull in their active privileges.

Q. I do not have a Conservation ID number - how do I get one?

License Auto-Renewal:

Customers will see the option to auto-renew the privileges they are purchasing for the next license year. If they select yes, they will be prompted to set up their account and payment options after the summary page in the application.