Website Requests


The ALDOR Website has multiple user roles. Each user role has its own set of responsibilities. As an ALDOR Website user, you will make changes to the website within your roles capabilities. For all changes outside of your role, please reference the request responsibilities to understand how to submit your change and to whom.

Be sure to check your user role capabilities prior to contacting an ALDOR Website team member as many of the changes can and should be made by you.

If you do not see your request type below, email Tanner Epperson for guidance on how to submit the request.



ALDOR Website Team

Team members

Rita Allen - IT Director

Catherine Gayle Fuller - Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

Matt Dyar - IT Assistant Director

Virginia Neislein - Project Manager

Frank Miles - Content Review

Arleen Alexander - Content Review

Ethelyn Williams - ALDOR Admin

Tanner Epperson - NIC


Request Responsibilities

Request Type

Team Member and Responsibilities

Request Workflow


Request Type

Team Member and Responsibilities

Request Workflow


Update Maintenance Banner

  • ALDOR Admin OR Content Review



Create a News post 

  • Content Review



Remove a Division page

  • ALDOR Admin OR Content Review


 Removing content should only happen if the content will NEVER be used again. If the content may be used in the future, request to change the page to a ‘Draft’ to remove from public view but retain in WordPress.

Remove Media

  • NIC


 Removing media should only happen if the media will NEVER be used again. If the media is linked on the website in multiple locations, removing the media will break all links referencing the removed media.

Please consider the Replacing the media instead.

Replace Media

  • ALDOR Admin OR Content Review


Replacing media will update all linked pages to the media.

You MUST replace the media with the same document name as the legacy media. If the replaced media has a new document name, the URL will change and break URLs.

Changes to Forms outside of my division

  • ALDOR Admin OR Content Review

Structural / Design:

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


You will update your own divisions Forms in WordPress.

If you need to update a Form that is not assigned to your division, contact the ALDOR Admin OR Content Review teams.

NOTE: updating a form includes tagging the form with a division or category.

All structural changes to the forms page must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.

Changes to Administrative Rules outside of my division

  • Tax Policy

Structural / Design:

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


You will update your own divisions administrative rules in WordPress.

If you need to update an administrative rule that is not assigned to your division, contact the Tax Policy group.

NOTE: updating a rule includes tagging the rule with a division or category.

Changes to an FAQ outside of my division

  • ALDOR Admin

Structural / Design:

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


You will update your own divisions FAQs in WordPress.

If you need to update an FAQ that is not assigned to your division, contact the ALDOR Admin group.

NOTE: updating a FAQ includes tagging the FAQ with a division or category.


All structural changes to FAQ must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.

Updates to Help Center

Phone Numbers:

  • ALDOR Admin

Structural / Design:

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


All structural changes to the help center must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.

Updates to Make a Payment

Phone Numbers:

  • ALDOR Admin

Structural / Design:

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


All structural changes to the Make a Payment page must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.

Home Page

  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


All structural changes to the home page must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.

Individuals, Businesses and Professionals

  • ALDOR Admin OR Content Review




  • Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker

  • NIC


All changes to the about page must be requested and approved by the Commissioners Office, Approver / Decision Maker.


Unassigned responsibilities

Unassigned responsibilities