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Alabama Law Enforcement Agency

Driver Monitoring Service

Table of Contents

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The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) in partnership with Tyler Technologies Alabama Interactive has developed a new secure method of monitoring driver record information.  This service will allow authorized customers to monitor Alabama Driver History Records (DHRs) for changes such as traffic convictionscitations(s), accident record(s), administrative action(s), and status change(s).   The system, called Driver Monitoring Service (DMS), will replace the existing monthly bulk data file provided by ALEA commonly referred to as the "Pointer File".  This  This document provides a high-level overview on of implementing and interfacing with the new standard DMS interface for the state State of Alabama.


DMSDriver Monitoring Service
DHRDriver History Record
HITHas Initiated Trigger
HTTPSSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol
XMLeXtended Markup Language
XSDXML Schema DefinitionGPGGNU Privacy Guard
ALEAAlabama Law Enforcement Agency

Usage Requirements

The DMS is developed as a batch SOAP web service.  Customers will supply an encrypted request file via SFTP by the 25th of each month.  The file will specify the driver's license, number of months for the monitor to look back for changes and specify a unique reference number for each driver being monitored.

This file will be processed by the service and will respond with a notification email of any issues found in the file and a payment receipt for all valid requests.  By the 5th of each month, the service will generate a response file of the records requested to monitor for the given month according to look-back periods.  Should any change events be identified within the monitored period, the DHR for the given individual will be purchased on behalf of the customer.  All "hits" will be combined into a single response file.  The response file will be encrypted and uploaded to the customers SFTP folder.  A notification email will be sent once the file has been uploaded.

Access to the SFTP is restricted to customers of Alabama Interactive who have been issued a system user account.  Authentication to the SFTP server will require a username and password as well as IP address validation.  The username and password information is provided by Alabama Interactive.  Customers are responsible for providing Alabama Interactive with up to 3 unique IP addresses to be given access to the SFTP server.  IP addresses must be provided at least two weeks in advance of when connectivity is required and customers are responsible for notifying Alabama Interactive of any changes to IP addresses required to connect to the SFTP server.

Encryption and decryption using GPG will be used to exchange files securely via the STFP server.  This provides an added layer of security to the file exchange.  Customers can obtain the Alabama Interactive GPG Public Key using the link provided in the "Connection Strings" section later in this document.  This key will be used to encrypt the response file that is sent back to you.  Customers will be required to provide Alabama Interactive with their GPG Public Key, which will be used to decrypt the request file we receive from you.

Connection Strings

URLPurposestfp://stfp-1.cdc.nicusa.comNeeded to connect to the DMS SFTP server.  Note that there is no test environment available for this service. the XML format for the file used to monitor DHRs.  This is the file you will provide to Alabama Interactive.

Defines the XML format for the result file that will be returned to you. Public Key used to encrypt the "ConvictionRequest.xml" file.


Process Steps

The following steps should be followed to request a new monitoring record.

Step #1: Generate Request File

Build the request file based on the dmsRequest.xsd specification.  All monitoring requests for the given month should be included in a single request file.

Step #2: Encrypt and Upload File

Once the request is generated, the file must be encrypted using the GPG public key provided by Alabama Interactive.  Once encrypted, the file should be named "ConvictionRequest.xml.pgp".  The encrypted file will then be uploaded to the SFTP server in the customer's root folder.

Step #3: Receiving of Request Files

The service will review the received files to ensure they are in a valid format and that no duplicates exist.  The system will define a duplicate as a record in which all three fields match.  Duplicates will be ignored and the file will be processed.  In the case of an invalid or missing file, the system will send an email to the technical contact.  A new file will need to be supplied by the 1st of the month.  Failure to provide a file by the 1st of the month will result in delayed processing.

Step #4: Processing of Pending Requests

By the 5th of the month, the service will review new requests according to their look-back period.  New requests will be confirmed by matching the driver's license against an existing record.  Should the record not exist, a response shall be added to the monthly return file with a status of "NOMATCHINGRECORDFOUND".  The system will check each valid driver record for changes as defined in Appendix F: Hit Events.  Should no Hit Event be identified, the response will be added to the monthly return file with a status of "NOCHANGESFOUND".  Should a Hit Event be identified, the DHR will be pulled and normal DHR fees will be applied to your customer account.  The request along with the DHR will be added to the monthly return file with a status of "CHANGESFOUND".

Once the response file is completed, it will be encrypted and named "ConvictionResponse_YYYYMM.xml.gpg", where "YYYYMM" is the year and month that the file is created.  The file will be uploaded to the customers SFTP folder and an email will be sent to the technical contact.

Appendix A: Request XML Element Definitions

Element NameData TypeRequiredDefinitiondlNumberNumericYesDriver License Number being monitoredlookBackPeriodNumericYesA numeric value between 1 and 12, which determines the number of previous months to monitor for changes.
Note: If you wish to monitor this driver license monthly, you should enter a value of "1".  Typically this value will follow the frequency, in months, that you wish to monitor this driver license.referenceIdStringNoThis can be any value you wish to provide and can be used to links requests back to a unique key in your system. This value may not exceed 200 characters in length.  The value provided in the request file will be returned with the corresponding record in the response file.triggerOnCitationAddedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when a citation has been added during the requested look back period.triggerOnCitationRemovedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when a citation has been removed during the requested look back period.triggerOnAccidentAddedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when an accident has been added during the requested look back period.triggerOnAccidentRemovedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when an accident has been removed during the requested look back period.triggerOnWithdrawalAddedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when a withdrawal has been added during the requested look back period.triggerOnWithdrawalRemovedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when a withdrawal has been removed during the requested look back period.triggerOnReinstatedBooleanYesIf true, will cause a hit event when the license has been reinstated during the requested look back period.

Appendix B: Response File Element Definitions

For details regarding the response file element definitions, please see the Point-to-Point Web Service Integration Guide.

Appendix C: Sample Request/Response Files

Sample Request XML Response XML

Appendix D: Encryption Details

Encryption will be accomplished using GPG.  Tools and instructions for GPG encryption and decryption are available for various operating systems and you may choose to use whatever tool works best in your environment.  New customers or customers changing their GPG key must provide Alabama Interactive with their public key at least two weeks prior to needing service to ensure ample time for the necessary configuration.  Customers will encrypt request files to Alabama Interactive using the public key provided by Alabama Interactive.  Alabama Interactive will in turn encrypt response files sent to you using your public key, which you can then decrypt using your private key.

Appendix E: Status Code Definitions

The following table describes the Status values that will be returned in the response file.

Status CodeDefinitionNOCHANGESFOUNDThis record has reached its look back period and NO changes were found during the period.CHANGESFOUNDThis record has reached its look back period and changes were found during the period.NOMATCHINGRECORDFOUNDThe driver's license number is invalid or not found.INVALIDLICENSENUMBERThe driver's license has been removed from the DMS reporting system during the look back period.UNKNOWNERROROCCUREDAn unknown error has prevented processing of this driver's license.

Appendix F: Hit Events

Each of the following events can be configured to trigger a "hit event" and result in the purchase of the corresponding DHR.  The "ConvictionRequest.xml" file allows you to choose, per driver being monitored, which of the below events will trigger a record change and a DHR purchase.

  • Citation Added
  • Citation Removed
  • Accident Added
  • Accident Removed
  • Withdrawal Added
  • Withdrawal Removed
  • Reinstated



© 2016 Alabama Interactive, LLC

have the option to make requests to: add records to be monitored, list records being monitored, remove a record from monitoring, list monitoring results and request monitoring details for a specific record. 

New Requests

New monitoring requests can be submitted with a start date up to 12 months in the past, which will trigger a HIT if any of the requested triggers are true from the provided start date to the end of the current monitoring month.  A look-back type request would typically be used as a one-time history check for a new customer.  To get monthly status information on a monitored record going forward, you would submit your monitoring request with an end date of up to 12 months in the future.  This will provide you with a monthly update for each month included in your start-to-end date range.


Your customer account will be billed per monitoring request per the following fee schedule.

Monitoring Request TypeCost Per RequestDescriptionExample
Look back monitoring$0.40 / per month Any portion of the monitored date range which is prior to the end of the current month in which monitoring is requested.Have there been any changes to this record in the past six months?
A record is requested to be added to monitoring in September with a monitoring start date of April and an end date of September.  This request will look for any of the requested triggers in all six of those months as a single collective check.  The monitoring result for this record will be provided to the customer at the beginning of October.
Scheduled monitoring$0.40 / per monthScheduled monitoring for each future month individually.

Let me know if there are any changes to this record over the next three months.
A record is requested to be added to monitoring in September with a monitoring start date of October and an end date of December.  Each future month being monitored will be split into a unique monitoring request.  This request will look for any of the requested triggers in each of the three months individually as they pass.  The monitoring result for this record will be provided to the customer in November, December, and January for October, November, and December, respectively.  Your account will be billed at the per-request rate in each of the three months being monitored.

Connection Strings

UAT is the WSDL, which defines the SOAP service and its available methods
UAT is the web service end-point and is where you will direct your requests

This is the WSDL, which defines the SOAP service and its available methods

Production is the web service end-point and is where you will direct your requests

Web Service Method Definitions


This is the method used to add new driver monitoring requests to your account.


FieldRequiredData TypeFormatNotes
The username in your customer account approved to request driver monitoring
The password associated with the provided username
  • 7 or 8 digits
  • "I" + 6 or 7 digits
  • "ID" + 5 or 6 digits
The driver license number to be monitored
  • 4-digit Year & 2-digit Month
  • Can be no more than 12 months in the past
  • Cannot be a future month

1Note: To correctly add monitoring for a single month, both the monitorStartDate and monitorEndDate values will be the same.

2Note: The monitoring start date includes the month provided.

  • 4-digit Year & 2-digit Month
  • Can be no more than 12 months in the future
  • Cannot be before the current month

1Note: To correctly add monitoring for a single month, both the monitorStartDate and monitorEndDate values will be the same.

2Note: The monitoring end date includes the month provided.

customerReferenceIdNoStringMax Length: 100This is an optional, but recommended field and should contain a unique identifier to tie this request back to the customer's system.
This value will be used to make this record unique from other requests and as part of any duplicate checking if provided.
citationAddedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new citation is added to a record
citationRemovedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a citation is removed from a record
accidentAddedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new accident is added to a record
accidentRemovedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when an accident is removed from a record
withdrawalAddedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new withdrawal is added to a record
withdrawalRemovedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a withdrawal is removed from a record
reinstatedYesBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a license is reinstated


FieldData TypeFormatNotes
successfulResponseBooleantrue/falseIndicates if the monitoring request was successfully added to your account

If "successfulResponse = false", then an error message will be present.  Otherwise, this value will be blank.

Possible Error Messages

ReasonError Message
Invalid monitoring start date formatInvalid format: monitorStartDate.
Invalid monitoring end date formatInvalid format: monitorEndDate.
Invalid monitoring start dateInvalid date range: monitorStartDate. monitorStartDate must be less than or equal to <current month yyyymm>
Invalid monitoring end dateInvalid date range: monitorEndDate. MonitorEndDate must be greater than or equal to <current month yyyymm>
Invalid monitoring end dateInvalid date range: Invalid date range: monitorEndDate. MonitorEndDate is less than MonitorStartDate.
Duplicate request foundDuplicate found


This method allows you to view the list of all pending driver monitoring requests within a given month.  Note that only pending non-completed monitoring requests can be viewed from this method.  To view completed monitoring results, see the 68780059 method.


FieldRequiredData TypeFormatNotes
The username in your customer account approved to request driver monitoring
The password associated with the provided username

4-digit Year & 2-digit Month


FieldData TypeFormatNotes
successfulResponseBooleantrue/falseIndicates if the request returned a successful response
If "successfulResponse = false", then an error message will be present.  Otherwise, this value will be blank
monitorMonthNumberyyyymmThis will be the monitor month provided in the request
monitoringRequestsObject ListmonitoringRequest objectThis will contain a list of monitoring request object
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequestObjectmonitoringRequestThis is a specific monitoring request and includes all of the fields provided when the request was added
This is the unique Monitoring ID for this monitored record
This is the value provided in the original 68780059
The driver's license number being monitored
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.citationAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new citation is added to a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.citationRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a citation is removed from a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.accidentAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new accident is added to a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.accidentRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when an accident is removed from a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.withdrawalAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new withdrawal is added to a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.withdrawalRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a withdrawal is removed from a record
monitoringRequests.monitoringRequest.reinstatedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a license is reinstated

Possible Error Messages

ReasonError Message
Invalid monitor month formatInvalid format: monitorMonth (yyyyMM)


Use this method to remove a monitoring request.  Note that only pending non-completed monitoring requests can be removed.


FieldRequiredData TypeFormatNotes
The username in your customer account approved to request driver monitoring
The password associated with the provided username
This is the unique identifier provided in the 68780059 or 68780059 response and must be provided to confirm you are removing the intended record from monitoring.  Note that only pending monitoring requests may be removed.  Those which have already been completed and the results provided will not be able to be removed.
  • 7 or 8 digits
  • "I" + 6 or 7 digits
  • "ID" + 5 or 6 digits
The driver's license number you would like to remove from monitoring
If provided will be used in combination with the monitorId and dlNumber to uniquely identify and remove the requested record from monitoring.


FieldData TypeFormatNotes
successfulResponseBooleantrue/falseIndicates if the request to remove the record from monitoring was successful
If "successfulResponse = false", then an error message will be present.  Otherwise, this value will be blank

Possible Error Messages

ReasonError Message
Invalid request criteriaNo records match the parameters provided
Invalid driver license formatDrivers License Number is invalid format


This method allows you to view the list of all completed driver monitoring requests for a given month.  This method will list all of the details of the original monitoring request including the triggers requested as well a true/false value indicating which trigger(s) caused a record HIT, if any.  A single "recordHasHit" boolean value will also be sent for simplicity.

Driver Monitoring results are processed on the 2nd day of the month at 10:30 AM central. Records will be available shortly after this time, depending on processing time. An email will be sent to customers when processing is complete and records are officially available. These results are available without expiration for reporting and reconciliation purposes. However, once the "viewDriverMonitoringRecord" method for a given record has been requested and the MVR has been delivered, that MVR is only available for seven days from the time it is first delivered.


FieldRequiredData TypeFormatNotes
The username in your customer account approved to request driver monitoring
The password associated with the provided username

4-digit Year & 2-digit Month

Test Request

FieldTest ValueNotes
usernameYour actual username
passwordYour actual password
monitorMonth202401You can use other value to see a response that does not have results, but 202401 is the only one that will return a list of records.  Keep in mind this is a canned list of records and will not correspond to the list you created using the submitDriverMonitoringRequest method in the test system.


FieldData TypeFormatNotes
successfulResponseBooleantrue/falseIndicates if the request returned a successful response
If successfulResponse = false, then an error message will be present.  Otherwise, this value will be blank
monitorMonthNumberyyyymmThis will be the monitor month provided in the request
monitoringResultsObject ListmonitoringResult objectThis will contain a list of monitoring result object
monitoringResults.monitoringResultObjectmonitoringResultThis is a specific monitoring result and includes all of the fields provided when the request was added, as well as an indicator of whether this record triggered a HIT and individual indicators as to which event triggered the HIT
This is the unique Monitoring ID for this monitored record
This is the value provided in the original 68780059
The driver's license number being monitored
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.monitorStartNumberyyyymmThe start date this monitoring request applies to
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.monitorEndNumberyyyymmThe end date this monitoring request applies to
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.recordHasHitBooleantrue/falseIndicates if any of the requested triggers caused a HIT event
Indicates if a record has been processed and if so what the result is. See the list of Monitoring Results Status Codes below.
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.citationAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new citation is added to a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.citationRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a citation is removed from a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.accidentAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new accident is added to a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.accidentRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when an accident is removed from a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.withdrawalAddedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a new withdrawal is added to a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.withdrawalRemovedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a withdrawal is removed from a record
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.reinstatedBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if you wish to trigger monitoring hits when a license is reinstated
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.citationAddedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if  a new citation is added to a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.citationRemovedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if a citation is removed from a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.accidentAddedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if a new accident is added to a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.accidentRemovedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if a accident is removed from a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.withdrawalAddedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if a new withdrawal is added to a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.withdrawalRemovedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if a withdrawal is removed from a record.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false
monitoringResults.monitoringResult.reinstatedResultBooleantrue/falseA value indicating if the license is reinstated.  If you chose not to monitor based on this trigger, it will always be false

Possible Error Messages

ReasonError Message
Invalid monitor month formatInvalid format: monitorMonth (yyyyMM)


This method will be used to request the full DHR for each record indicated as having a HIT in the 68780059 method. Note that once the record has been requested and the MVR has been delivered, that MVR is only available for seven days from the time it is first delivered.


FieldRequiredData TypeFormatNotes
The username in your customer account approved to request driver monitoring
The password associated with the provided username

This is the unique identifier provided in the 68780059 response and must be provided to confirm you are requesting the desired DHR

This is the driver's license number of the monitoring request that had a HIT and is being requested to obtain the DHR

Test Request

FieldTest ValueNotes
usernameYour actual username
passwordYour actual password
monitorIdAny value included in the viewDriverMonitoringResults method from the test system

Test Cases

Monitor IDDL NumberRecord Has Hit

dlNumberAny value included in the viewDriverMonitoringResults method from the test system


FieldData TypeFormatNotes
successfulResponseBooleantrue/falseIndicates if the response includes the record requested
Will contain an error message if the request for the driving record is not successful
This is the same format response returned by the existing Driver History web service.  The details on formatting can be found here: Driver History web service integration guide

Possible Error Messages

ReasonError Message
Invalid request criteriaNo records match the parameters provided
Invalid driver license formatDrivers License Number is invalid format

Standard Authentication Error Responses

ReasonError Message
Invalid LoginInvalid login for <username>
Invalid or no DPPA for userValid login for <username>, but DPPA Number is not valid.
User does not have any access permissionsValid login for <username>, but login access group list is empty.
User does not have permission to access this serviceValid login for <username>, but DPS_MVR_PTP_WS access group may not be present.
Access not grated to UAT environmentAccess to the test web service is only available for testing purposes.

Monitoring Result Status Codes

1Requested - Record has been requested, but processing has not yet been completed.
2No Changes Found - Record has been processed successfully and no changes to the record were found.
3Changes Found - Record has been processed successfully and changes were found.  You can retrieve the full record using the requestDriverMonitoringRecord method.
4No Matching Record Found - No matching driver license record could be found.
5Invalid License Number - The driver license number provided is not valid and no record could be found.
6Unknown Error Occurred - An unexpected error occurred.

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