Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





Location or User type

Bank, Treasury or Both


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Bank, Deposit History Tab | Admin Portal

Create a tab under Admin Portal Bank: Deposit History. The tab will include a table of deposit history with the ability to view all history or filter to view a specific date range or status.

Table will default to show ALL history.


  • Date Range

    • Date filter will show all deposits within the range selected. If a deposit was active during the range selected, it will display in the table.

  • Status (dropdown)

Search and Export:

  • Search field

  • EXCEL and PDF export

Table Columns:

  • Status

  • Type

  • Deposit Date

  • Maturity Date

  • Term

  • Interest Paid

    • Display the interest paid based on the date range selected or if no date range is selected show interest paid as of the current date.

  • Amount

  • Rate

  • Deposit Number

  • Deposit ID (details found in ticket

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

Total the interest column

View file
nameDeposit History IDMS (1).xlsx


Treasury / Admin Portal

This table will allow Treasury to view interest paid within a certain time frame. This table will also allow Treasury to view a specific deposits history without navigating to a date in the main deposits table.

Question (5/27): Does Treasury want to see declined or VOID deposits on this table? If so, what would the values be?

Answer (6/8): Declines and voids are not to be including in the Deposit History. Deposit History will maintain deposits that collect interest. Declined or Voided deposits will not be part of the ACH report.

Declined or void deposits will be housed in the bank event log with dates, interest, and amount values. (TREASCD-125).

User Story:

ABC Bank requested for two new separate deposits on 01/01/2021. Both the deposits were for the same amount and since they were opened on the same day, they also have the same rate. ABC Bank continued to renew both deposits until 09/03/2021 when they decided to retire one of their deposits and renew the other deposit.

As a Treasury user, I am looking at ABC Bank and I want to see what the history was for ABC Bank’s deposits from 01/01/2021 - 10/02/2021. I also want to understand how much interest had been paid from 01/01/2021 - 10/02/2021. By filtering the Bank Deposit History table by 01/01/2021 - 10/02/2021 I am able to see the deposits that were active during those dates and their life by referencing their Deposit ID. I see that we collect $61.00 from 01/01/2021 - 10/02/2021 in interest. I can filter the Deposit ID column to see which renewals are associated with which original deposit when we first funded the monies.

Requested: 05/12/2022

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Internal Documents, Document Library

Internal Documents, Document Library

Add a checkbox to the Document Library (on the admin side) upload to mark a specific document as ‘private’. All documents that are not marked as ‘private’ will be displayed to Banks in document library.

Treasury can edit a document upload to check or uncheck ‘private’ later.  


Both Portals

Treasury has a document library for Banks currently. Initially this library was not to be shared with Banks. The library now needs to be shared with banks with the ability to mark documents as ‘private’ if they don’t want the banks to see them.

Requested: 05/12/2022

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Event wording, Renewal Declined

Update event history note ‘Deposit set to Retire' to 'Renewal Declined’. This event should display in the Master, Bank and deposits event log.


Treasury / Admin Portal

This change will clarify an event log entry.

Requested: 05/23/2022

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Available Deposit Types Section, Dashboard | Treasury Portal

Display the Available Deposit Types section on the Treasury Dashboard. Only display the deposit/term that is selected on Available Deposit Types & Terms (Treasury Admin).

Add section above ‘Deposit Information’ section.

Add ‘Last Rate Update' below the table inside this section.

This section will not have an effective rate picker. A different effective date will confuse the ‘Last Rate Update’ field. If Treasury needs to look at different rates, they will leverage the Rates tab OR the Available Deposit Types and Terms tab.


Treasury / Admin Portal

Relates to 260 and 259.

05/27  Add a dashboard section to display rates Banks can select for Treasury to view without navigating to Admin, Available Deposit Types and Terms.

Treasury wants to move Last Rate Update under this section (outside of the table) because it makes more sense to live here then alone towards the top of the dashboard.

Requested: 05/27/2022

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Pools History, Active Deposits Balance

Within the Pools History section add an ‘Active Deposits Balance’. The balance will include a calendar picker and a dollar value display. The date chosen on the calendar picker will populate the dollar value with the number of active deposits on the date chosen.

This value will be the same value as the Daily Deposits table Amount column totaled.

Active deposits – Includes deposits with the status of Active, Action Required, and Retire (as opposed to Retired which indicate an inactive deposit or deposit that was previously active).

When exporting the table, include the date range (if chosen) and Active Deposit Balance (if end date is chosen).


Treasury / Admin Portal

 Requested: 06/30/2022

 Treasury needs the ability to view the active deposits on a given date to reconcile with STARS (external application).

Enhancement | Bank Dashboard, ‘Upcoming Maturities’ | Bank Portal

Bank Dashboard

‘Upcoming Maturities’ button. Value is the count of deposits with an upcoming maturity (7 days). If the user clicks the button, they are navigated to the deposits tab.


Bank Portal

Enhancement: 07/28/2022

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Allow Bank to look at past rates on Available Deposit Types, Bank Dashboard

Allow Bank to look at past rates on Available Deposit Types, Bank Dashboard.

Bank can view the past 4 weeks


Bank Portal


Change Request |

Bank Dashboard, ‘Upcoming Maturities’ | Bank Portal

Bank Dashboard

‘Upcoming Maturities’ button. Value is the count of deposits with an upcoming maturity (7 days). If the user clicks the button, they are navigated to the deposits tab.


Bank Portal

Enhancement: 07/28/2022

Allow Bank to look at past rates on Available Deposit Types, Bank Dashboard

Allow Bank to look at past rates on Available Deposit Types, Bank Dashboard.

Bank can view the past 4 weeks


Bank Portal

Requested: 06/14/2022

This will allow Banks to understand how the rates are trending. Especially when there are not rates entered for the current week.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Remove/Delete User

Add the ability to remove/delete a user. If a user is deleted and a new user is created with the same email information, do not stop the creation of the user. If a user is removed/deleted, keep their information on the event logs and agreements signed.

When a user is deleted, show in master and bank event log with the user name in the event.

Treasury needs this because the list will soon grow to be too large if they cannot remove accounts. We may want to retain this information but hide from the IDMS view.


Treasury Portal

Requested: 08/28/2022jira




System JIRA


Location or User type

Bank, Treasury or Both


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Change Request |

Funding Deposits table

Summary: Create a table under the Deposits tab called Funding Deposits.

Table columns: Bank name, deposit date, term, status, type, amount, account number last 4, and ‘Completion’ column. 

‘Completion’: In the column, there should either be a ‘Complete’ button, or the word ‘Completed’. 
Treasury will click ‘Complete’ and that will change the cell from a ‘Complete’ button to the word ‘Completed’. 
Only retain data in this table for seven years after the deposit maturity.


Treasury / Admin Portal

Requested: 10/20/2022

Related to: Matured Deposits | Admin Approval Queue | Admin Portal – 276


Tanner to ask development team if we can a column called ‘Account Number’ and display the bank account last 4.

Development team can display the account number, ticket updated.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Add Events, Bank Event Log

The following events currently display on a deposits event log. Please add these events to the Banks event log (Notes). Bank event log can only be viewed by a Treasury administrator.

  • Admin declined deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Bank declined deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Admin approved deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Bank approved deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

Relates to

New Sections and Editable Values, Admin > Pools

Add two sections

  1. Pool Concentration (previously maximum concentration)

  2. Bank Concentration

New Fields:

Pool Concentration (section name)

  • Pool Concentration Percentage

    • Edit on ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Percentage of the Total Deposit Pool (currently 10%)

      • Percentage values

  • Pool Concentration

    • Not editable, value is calculated

    • Display dollar value calculated on Pools tab

    • Total Deposit Pool * Pool Concentration Percentage

Bank Concentration (section name)

  • Bank Concentration Percentage

    • Edit on ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Percentage of Bank Deposits or In-State Deposits (currently 15%)

      • Percentage value

  • LTD Minimum

    • Edit LTD Minimum under Pools ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Currently > OR = 50%

    • Percentage value

    • Loans/Deposits Ratio is an imported value in the quarter fiscal import. The LTD minimum is a separate value entered manually on the Pools tab.



Requested: 11/09/2022

Treasury emailed a Word doc with these changes.

View file
nameIDMS Calculation.docx

Need to review Summary Table calculations


  • Maximum possible value $100 million (currently)

    • QUESTION: Can we give this value a name?

      • Yes, Max Cap

      • Dollar amount

    • QUESTION: what if the Pool Concentration Percentage of the Total Deposit Pool exceeds the Ma?

      • Display the Pool Maximum Concentration

    • QUESTION: Does Treasury need to know/see this?

      • Yes, message should display if the Total Deposit Pool * Pool Concentration Percentage exceeds the Max Cap.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Treasury / Admin Portal

Requested: 10/20/2022


Tanner to request for full list of events in the Master, Bank and Deposit logs.

List of all events is below.

Jira Legacyserver


Change Request | CRA Field, Bank Profile | Bank Portal

CRA; dropdown (outstanding, satisfactory, needs to improve, or non-compliant)

Allow Banks to edit the CRA field under Bank Profile section 2.

Create a modal that displays upon log in IF the CRA field is empty. Modal will require response to proceed forward and utilize the system.

Allow Treasury to edit this value under the bank edit function. Add value to section two.

If needs to improve or non-compliant is selected


Bank Portal


Daria mentioned this field should also be added. It needs to be entered by the bank and can be edited at any time. Treasury will post an announcement related to the field on an annual basis as a reminder to update and we will create a modal that requires the value upon log in.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Change Request |

Pools Table, Export

Summary: In the current Pools export, include the parenthesis that are displayed in the pools table in the export files, Copy Excel CSV PDF Print.


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 10/31/2022

Treasury emailed Tanner that the export file does not indicate if an amount is a debit or a credit. Treasury agrees that the export should include parenthesis as shown on the pools table.

CRA, Dashboard and Banks | Treasury Portal

Create table under ‘Banks’ titled ‘Non Compliant CRA Rating’. Only display banks if they have needs to improve or non-compliant as their CRA Rating.

Columns: Bank Name, CRA Rating, City, State, FDIC, and Holding Deposits

Create a button on the Dashboard titled: Non Compliant CRA Rating. The count should be the number of banks with needs to improve or non-compliant as their CRA Rating (same as Non Compliant CRA Rating table).


Treasury Portal


Add table and count on dashboard to highlight the CRA ratings that are not compliant

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Change Request |

Update In-State Deposits reminder email

Currently, IDMS sends the Update In-State Deposits email reminder to multi state banks with active users. The reminder does not consider if the bank has deposits currently.

Change the Update In-State Deposits email reminder to send to multi state banks, with active deposits (Holding Treasury Deposits ‘NO’ on the Outstanding In State Deposits table) and active users.


UPDATE Deposits, Summary | Treasury/Admin Portal

Total the following columns:

  • Weighted average (this is not a sum total, value calculated on Dashboard Treasury Deposit Summary)

  • Interest Total

  • Number of Deposits

  • Deposits Held

  • Deposits Available

Summary table is displaying banks that do not have an active deposit. This table should only show banks with active deposits.

This issue occurs in production.


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 11/



Treasury emailed Tanner stating a bank should not have received a reminder to update their in-state deposits amount when they do not have an active deposit in IDMS

NOTE: The deposits available and Deposit Pool % are not calculating correctly.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Remediation | File Quarter, Missing in production | Treasury/Admin Portal

File Quarter is missing in production. This value is populating as expected in test.



Reported: 11/07/2022

Values works in test.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | New Sections and Editable Values, Admin > Pools

Add two sections

  1. Pool Concentration (previously maximum concentration)

  2. Bank Concentration

New Fields:

Pool Concentration (section name)

  • Pool Concentration Percentage

    • Edit on ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Percentage of the Total Deposit Pool (currently 10%)

      • Percentage values

  • Pool Concentration

    • Not editable, value is calculated

    • Display dollar value calculated on Pools tab

    • Total Deposit Pool * Pool Concentration Percentage

Bank Concentration (section name)

  • Bank Concentration Percentage

    • Edit on ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Percentage of Bank Deposits or In-State Deposits (currently 15%)

      • Percentage value

  • LTD Minimum

    • Edit LTD Minimum under Pools ‘Update Pools’

    • Display entered value on Pools tab

    • Currently > OR = 50%

    • Percentage value

    • Loans/Deposits Ratio is an imported value in the quarter fiscal import. The LTD minimum is a separate value entered manually on the Pools tab.



Requested: 11/09/2022

Treasury emailed a Word doc with these changes.

View file
nameIDMS Calculation.docx

Need to review Summary Table calculations


  • Maximum possible value $100 million (currently)

    • QUESTION: Can we give this value a name?

      • Yes, Max Cap

      • Dollar amount

    • QUESTION: what if the Pool Concentration Percentage of the Total Deposit Pool exceeds the Ma?

      • Display the Pool Maximum Concentration

    • QUESTION: Does Treasury need to know/see this?

      • Yes, message should display if the Total Deposit Pool * Pool Concentration Percentage exceeds the Max Cap.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | CRA Field, Bank Profile | Bank Portal

CRA; dropdown (outstanding, satisfactory, needs to improve, or non-compliant)

Allow Banks to edit the CRA field under Bank Profile section 2.

Create a modal that displays upon log in IF the CRA field is empty. Modal will require response to proceed forward and utilize the system.

Allow Treasury to edit this value under the bank edit function. Add value to section two.

If needs to improve or non-compliant is selected


Bank Portal


Daria mentioned this field should also be added. It needs to be entered by the bank and can be edited at any time. Treasury will post an announcement related to the field on an annual basis as a reminder to update and we will create a modal that requires the value upon log in.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | CRA, Dashboard and Banks | Treasury Portal

Create table under ‘Banks’ titled ‘Non Compliant CRA Rating’. Only display banks if they have needs to improve or non-compliant as their CRA Rating.

Columns: Bank Name, CRA Rating, City, State, FDIC, and Holding Deposits

Create a button on the Dashboard titled: Non Compliant CRA Rating. The count should be the number of banks with needs to improve or non-compliant as their CRA Rating (same as Non Compliant CRA Rating table).


Treasury Portal


Add table and count on dashboard to highlight the CRA ratings that are not compliant

Change Request | Bank Profile Values

Display values under the Bank tab > Deposits sub tab.

  1. Treasury Deposits Remaining

  2. Deposit Pool Percentage

  3. Pool Concentration

    1. Pool Concentration IS Maximum Concentration

  4. Bank Concentration

  5. LTD Minimum

  6. CRA

How are the values populated?

  1. Treasury Deposits Remaining

    1. Calculated

      1. Pool Concentration - Amount Held (found in Treasury Deposit Summary)

        1. IF sum is negative THEN this is the Treasury Deposits Remaining value

          1. Display the negative value

        2. IF sum is positive THEN move to next criteria

      2. Loan to Deposit Ratio

        1. IF Loan / Deposits Ratio IS below LTD Minimum THE the Treasury Deposits Remaining value IS $0.00

        2. IF Loan / Deposits Ratio IS above LTD Minimum THE the Treasury Deposits Remaining value IS the Pool Concentration value

      3. Percent of Bank Deposits = (Bank Concentration Percentage * Bank Concentration) - Amount Held

        • IF calculated amount is greater than Pool Concentration value THEN the Treasury Deposits Remaining value is the Pool Concentration value

        • IF calculated amount is less than the Pool Concentration value THEN move to next criteria

  2. Deposit Pool Percentage

    1. Amount Held (found in Treasury Deposit Summary) / Total Deposits Pool (found on Pools)

  3. Pool Concentration

    1. Pool Concentration IS Maximum Concentration currently, update the title.

    2. Value calculated and displayed on Pools tab

  4. Bank Concentration

    1. Calculate value

      1. IF ‘Multi-state Depository’ IS ‘yes’ THEN

        • Bank Concentration = 'Bank In-State Deposits' * Bank Concentration Percentage (found on Pools)

      2. IF ‘Multi-state Depository’ IS ‘no’ THEN

        • Bank Concentration = 'Bank Deposits' (value imported in fiscal data import)* Bank Concentration Percentage (found on Pools)

  5. LTD Minimum

    1. Value entered on Pools tab

  6. CRA

    1. Dropdown value entered by Bank OR Treasury

  • Remove ‘Linked Deposits’ deposit type from the Treasury Deposit Summary table on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Deposits.

  • Add new table ‘Linked Deposit Summary’ below the Treasury Deposit Summary table. This table will include all columns on the Treasury Deposit Summary.


  • Treasury Deposits on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Bank Profile (section 4) should only total the CD, TDOA, and Restricted

  • Add ‘Linked Deposits’ on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Bank Profile (section 4) and display the total amount held for Linked Deposit deposit type.

Add value to

  • Treasury Deposits Remaining

    • Pool Concentration - Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits (341)

      • Is the sum is negative, then the negative sum amount is the total deposits available

        • Sum= -1,000 then display 1,000?


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 11/09/2022

Provided by Treasury:



a)     10% of Total Deposit Pool

b)     Cannot exceed $100 million


a)     May Multi-State Depository – Answer is NO

i)      15% of Bank Deposits

b)     May Multi-State Depository – Answer is Yes

i)      15% of Bank In-State Deposits


a)     Pool Concentration minus Bank’s Deposit Held

i)      If sum is negative, then negative sum amount is the total deposits available

ii)     If sum is positive, then sum moves to next criteria

b)     Percent of Bank Deposits –

i)      If calculated amount is greater than 15%, then treasury deposits available becomes zero; no further calculations

ii)     If calculated amount is less than 15%, then amount available becomes the lesser of the sum from a)ii) or this calculation; go to next criteria

c)     Loan to Deposit Ratio

i)      If Loan/Deposit Ratio is below 50% then amount available becomes zero

ii)     If Loan/Deposit Ratio is 50% or above, then amount available is the same as 6)b)ii)


a)     Bank’s Amount Held divided by Total Deposits Pool


a)     Total Deposits Held – CD & TDOA

b)     ***Link Deposit will need a separate field***

CRA Rating

a)     Add CRA Rating dropdown in Bank FDIC Profile Box

b)     Dropdown to be Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs to Improve and Substantial Noncompliance

c)     Bank will choose one

d)     If bank chooses Need to Improve or Substantial Noncompliance:

i)      Notation “CRA Rating” is made somewhere noticeable


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA



Change Request |



, Summary | Treasury/Admin Portal

Total the following columns:

  • Weighted average (this is not a sum total, value calculated on Dashboard Treasury Deposit Summary)

  • Interest Total

  • Number of Deposits

  • Deposits Held

  • Deposits Available

Summary table is displaying banks that do not have an active deposit. This table should only show banks with active deposits.

This issue occurs in production.


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 11/17/2022

NOTE: The deposits available and Deposit Pool % are not calculating correctly.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Bank Profile Values

Display values under the Bank tab > Deposits sub tab.

  1. Treasury Deposits Remaining

  2. Deposit Pool Percentage

  3. Pool Concentration

    1. Pool Concentration IS Maximum Concentration

  4. Bank Concentration

  5. LTD Minimum

  6. CRA

How are the values populated?

  1. Treasury Deposits Remaining

    1. Calculated

      1. Pool Concentration - Amount Held (found in Treasury Deposit Summary)

        1. IF sum is negative THEN this is the Treasury Deposits Remaining value

          1. Display the negative value

        2. IF sum is positive THEN move to next criteria

      2. Loan to Deposit Ratio

        1. IF Loan / Deposits Ratio IS below LTD Minimum THE the Treasury Deposits Remaining value IS $0.00

        2. IF Loan / Deposits Ratio IS above LTD Minimum THE the Treasury Deposits Remaining value IS the Pool Concentration value

      3. Percent of Bank Deposits = (Bank Concentration Percentage * Bank Concentration) - Amount Held

        • IF calculated amount is greater than Pool Concentration value THEN the Treasury Deposits Remaining value is the Pool Concentration value

        • IF calculated amount is less than the Pool Concentration value THEN move to next criteria

  2. Deposit Pool Percentage

    1. Amount Held (found in Treasury Deposit Summary) / Total Deposits Pool (found on Pools)

  3. Pool Concentration

    1. Pool Concentration IS Maximum Concentration currently, update the title.

    2. Value calculated and displayed on Pools tab

  4. Bank Concentration

    1. Calculate value

      1. IF ‘Multi-state Depository’ IS ‘yes’ THEN

        • Bank Concentration = 'Bank In-State Deposits' * Bank Concentration Percentage (found on Pools)

      2. IF ‘Multi-state Depository’ IS ‘no’ THEN

        • Bank Concentration = 'Bank Deposits' (value imported in fiscal data import)* Bank Concentration Percentage (found on Pools)

  5. LTD Minimum

    1. Value entered on Pools tab

  6. CRA

    1. Dropdown value entered by Bank OR Treasury

  • Remove ‘Linked Deposits’ deposit type from the Treasury Deposit Summary table on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Deposits.

  • Add new table ‘Linked Deposit Summary’ below the Treasury Deposit Summary table. This table will include all columns on the Treasury Deposit Summary.


  • Treasury Deposits on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Bank Profile (section 4) should only total the CD, TDOA, and Restricted

  • Add ‘Linked Deposits’ on Banks > ‘Select Bank’ > Bank Profile (section 4) and display the total amount held for Linked Deposit deposit type.

Add value to

  • Treasury Deposits Remaining

    • Pool Concentration - Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits (341)

      • Is the sum is negative, then the negative sum amount is the total deposits available

        • Sum= -1,000 then display 1,000?


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 11/09/2022

Provided by Treasury:



a)     10% of Total Deposit Pool

b)     Cannot exceed $100 million


a)     May Multi-State Depository – Answer is NO

i)      15% of Bank Deposits

b)     May Multi-State Depository – Answer is Yes

i)      15% of Bank In-State Deposits


a)     Pool Concentration minus Bank’s Deposit Held

i)      If sum is negative, then negative sum amount is the total deposits available

ii)     If sum is positive, then sum moves to next criteria

b)     Percent of Bank Deposits –

i)      If calculated amount is greater than 15%, then treasury deposits available becomes zero; no further calculations

ii)     If calculated amount is less than 15%, then amount available becomes the lesser of the sum from a)ii) or this calculation; go to next criteria

c)     Loan to Deposit Ratio

i)      If Loan/Deposit Ratio is below 50% then amount available becomes zero

ii)     If Loan/Deposit Ratio is 50% or above, then amount available is the same as 6)b)ii)


a)     Bank’s Amount Held divided by Total Deposits Pool


a)     Total Deposits Held – CD & TDOA

b)     ***Link Deposit will need a separate field***

CRA Rating

a)     Add CRA Rating dropdown in Bank FDIC Profile Box

b)     Dropdown to be Outstanding, Satisfactory, Needs to Improve and Substantial Noncompliance

c)     Bank will choose one

d)     If bank chooses Need to Improve or Substantial Noncompliance:

i)      Notation “CRA Rating” is made somewhere noticeable


Availability Data (Box 4), Bank Profile

TREASURY DEPOSITS – Open and active deposits on the current date for this specific bank
Update name from Treasury Deposits to Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits.


DEPOSITS AVAILABLE – (10% *Total Treasury Deposit Pool with a max of $100 M)
Update name from Deposits to Total Deposits Available to the Bank.
This is not populating, we need it to display the value.  

TREASURY DEPOSITS REMAINING – (Total Deposits Available to the Bank - Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits.)
Update name from Treasury Deposits Remaining to Remaining Deposits Available to the Bank.


DEPOSIT POOL PERCENTAGE – Percent of Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits of the Total Treasury Deposit Pool
This is not populating, we need it to display the value.

  • Amount Held / Total deposit pool


TOTAL TREASURY DEPOSITS – Open and active deposits on the current date for this all banks.
All Outstanding Treasury Deposits


Total Treasury Deposit Pool


Treasury Portal


Discussed the Deposits Available and Deposit Pool Percentage values not populating. Daria is going to speak with Young and ensure Treasury wants to calculate these values the same way or if they may need to change. We will hold off on making these changes until the end of 5.3.2 to make sure Treasury has finalized.


Treasury will work on calculations separately and provide to the project team.




Location or User type

Bank, Treasury or Both


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Pools History, Active Deposits Balance

Within the Pools History section add an ‘Active Deposits Balance’. The balance will include a calendar picker and a dollar value display. The date chosen on the calendar picker will populate the dollar value with the number of active deposits on the date chosen.

This value will be the same value as the Daily Deposits table Amount column totaled.

Active deposits – Includes deposits with the status of Active, Action Required, and Retire (as opposed to Retired which indicate an inactive deposit or deposit that was previously active).

When exporting the table, include the date range (if chosen) and Active Deposit Balance (if end date is chosen).


Treasury / Admin Portal

 Requested: 06/30/2022

 Treasury needs the ability to view the active deposits on a given date to reconcile with STARS (external application).

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Funding Deposits table

Summary: Create a table under the Deposits tab called Funding Deposits.

Table columns: Bank name, deposit date, term, status, type, amount, account number last 4, and ‘Completion’ column. 

‘Completion’: In the column, there should either be a ‘Complete’ button, or the word ‘Completed’. 
Treasury will click ‘Complete’ and that will change the cell from a ‘Complete’ button to the word ‘Completed’. 
Only retain data in this table for seven years after the deposit maturity.


Treasury / Admin Portal

Requested: 10/20/2022

Related to: Matured Deposits | Admin Approval Queue | Admin Portal – 276


Tanner to ask development team if we can a column called ‘Account Number’ and display the bank account last 4.

Development team can display the account number, ticket updated.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Add Events, Bank Event Log

The following events currently display on a deposits event log. Please add these events to the Banks event log (Notes). Bank event log can only be viewed by a Treasury administrator.

  • Admin declined deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Bank declined deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Admin approved deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

  • Bank approved deposit (Deposit Number: [display number], Bank: [display bank name)

Relates to

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA


Change Request | Deposits Availability Data (Box 4), Bank Profile

TREASURY DEPOSITS – Open and active deposits on the current date for this specific bank
Update name from Treasury Deposits to Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits.


DEPOSITS AVAILABLE – (10% *Total Treasury Deposit Pool with a max of $100 M)
Update name from Deposits to Total Deposits Available to the Bank.
This is not populating, we need it to display the value.  

TREASURY DEPOSITS REMAINING – (Total Deposits Available to the Bank - Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits.)
Update name from Treasury Deposits Remaining to Remaining Deposits Available to the Bank.


DEPOSIT POOL PERCENTAGE – Percent of Bank’s Current Treasury Deposits of the Total Treasury Deposit Pool
This is not populating, we need it to display the value.

  • Amount Held / Total deposit pool


TOTAL TREASURY DEPOSITS – Open and active deposits on the current date for this all banks.
All Outstanding Treasury Deposits


Total Treasury Deposit Pool


Treasury Portal


Discussed the Deposits Available and Deposit Pool Percentage values not populating. Daria is going to speak with Young and ensure Treasury wants to calculate these values the same way or if they may need to change. We will hold off on making these changes until the end of 5.3.2 to make sure Treasury has finalized.


Treasury will work on calculations separately and provide to the project team



Treasury / Admin Portal

Requested: 10/20/2022


Tanner to request for full list of events in the Master, Bank and Deposit logs.

List of all events is below.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Pools Table, Export

Summary: In the current Pools export, include the parenthesis that are displayed in the pools table in the export files, Copy Excel CSV PDF Print.


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 10/31/2022

Treasury emailed Tanner that the export file does not indicate if an amount is a debit or a credit. Treasury agrees that the export should include parenthesis as shown on the pools table.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Change Request | Update In-State Deposits reminder email

Currently, IDMS sends the Update In-State Deposits email reminder to multi state banks with active users. The reminder does not consider if the bank has deposits currently.

Change the Update In-State Deposits email reminder to send to multi state banks, with active deposits (Holding Treasury Deposits ‘NO’ on the Outstanding In State Deposits table) and active users.


Treasury/Admin Portal

Requested: 11/02/2022

Treasury emailed Tanner stating a bank should not have received a reminder to update their in-state deposits amount when they do not have an active deposit in IDMS.

Version 5.3.3 - New

titleVersion 5.3.3 - New
Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA
jqlQueryissuetype = Task AND labels = IDMS-V5.3.2 ORDER BY key ASC
